Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting 2022
The Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting (APRM) brings together medical students in the Asia-Pacific region to create meaningful youth engagement in global health. Through peer-organised sessions and other themed events, participants have the opportunity to go beyond the boundaries of the classroom and realise the broader determinants of health at a global scale from first-hand experience. In addition to capacity building sessions and academic-based activities, cultural exchange is also a key component of the conference, and delegates are really exposed to a wide range of cultural norms prevailing in the AP region. This intellectual-stimulating environment not only allows formation of new inspirations, but also facilitates intercultural dialogues and learnings.
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Participant Testimonials
During APRM, I had the chance to participate in SCOPH sessions alongside two other Hong Kong delegates. Having mostly been involved with logistical work locally at AMSAHK, this lent an opportunity for me to gain experiences beyond my normal scope of work. Through critical discussions on food security, the “One Health” initiative and global health systems, we were introduced to international projects such as UHC2030 and other global efforts made towards bettering health equity. What truly humbled me was the ability of IFMSA to bring together so many passionate talents from truly diverse backgrounds, where cultural and knowledge exchange is encompassed at the heart of the organisation.
- Zoe Lu (HKU M28)
It was such an eye-opening experience for me to be in the HK delegation to the APRM 2022! I am grateful to experience how friendships transcend borders. Although each of us bears different cultures, beliefs, and values, we are united under the roof of the AP Family! It is really touching that we burst into tears and hug each other when it is time for our departure! I went to the Presidents’ session of APRM, met a lot of presidents from various NMOs and exchanged our insights on medicine! It was so eye opening! I also joined the plenary and casted vote on matters of the Asia Pacific Region! Another amazing aspect of APRM is I can experience various cultures in the National Food and Drinks Party, where I tried out their local snacks and learn about their stories!
I am grateful to be able to represent HK medical students in APRM. I gained a lot of insights on medicine and made lots of friends!
- Isaac Wong (CUHK M26)