MM 2023
March Meeting (MM23) is an annual conference held by National Member Organisations (NMOs) of the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA). Medical students across the world gather and discuss global health issues, share ideas, skills, and experiences on how we can act to improve medical education, promote global exchange, and advocate for public health and human rights.
This year, AMSAHK is proud to have sent a delegation of 16 medical students to Tallinn, Estonia to attend MM23, where our delegates convened with around 1000 other medical students from around the world. The pre-General Assembly workshops allowed participants to build capacity on topics including such as disaster medicine and leadership. At the General Assembly, (GA) participants attended workshops for IFMSA's standing committees, the Rex Crossley Awards Gala, cultural exchange nights, and the activities fair, all while exploring the beautiful city of Tallinn!

Participant testimonials
Unforgettable, eye-opening, fun… I refuse to believe any combination of adjectives can encompass what MM23 meant to me.
Estonia - as a destination - was amazing enough on its own. I recall how entering the gates of the Old Town as it snowed felt as if we were stepping foot into a classic mediaeval film. Estonian culture is as rich as its architecture suggests, considering its history as a former Soviet state and the influences of neighbouring Northeastern European countries.
Most importantly, however: the people. Memories with our amazing HK delegation that will stay with me for years to come, and friendships formed with students from almost every corner of the globe… the people around me were undoubtedly what made MM23 so special. From unprovoked snowball fights and startling developments in clubs to exchanging everyday phrases in mother tongues and learning about one another’s cultures, there was never a dull moment across our 6 days in Estonia.
- Nathan (CUHK M28)
Attending MM23 Estonia was an incredibly enriching and fulfilling experience for me. While the parallel sessions on IFMSA and SCORE provided valuable insights, MM23 also allowed me to connect with like-minded individuals from other NMOs and establish new friendships, especially through the engaging social programs each night. The National Food and Drinks Party was a particular highlight. We sampled unique treats from other countries and promoted Hong Kong’s food and drink offerings in which egg rolls and chocolate fingers were the most popular among the delegates. The National Food and Drinks Party was an experience that truly embodied the spirit of the general assembly, which is to learn from diversity and share our perspectives with others.
Beyond the scheduled activities, our Hong Kong delegation explored Tallinn and immersed ourselves in the local culture. One of my favourite places we went to was the Old Town. In addition to the myriad of local restaurants that made delicious authentic local food, the medieval town was stunning, especially with the snow. Our team definitely made some fond memories during this trip.
Overall, MM23 Estonia was an extraordinary experience that broadened my horizons and allowed me to make meaningful connections with individuals from around the world. I am grateful for the opportunity to have participated in such an eye-opening event.
- Julian Wan (HKU M28)