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MedStart 2025

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Organised by the Asian Medical Students' Association Hong Kong (AMSAHK), MedStart is a 2-day medical school immersion program for secondary school students who are interested in applying to medical school. Our theme this year is Global Health: Beyond Borders. This program provided aspiring medics a glimpse into the life of a medical student, and how our knowledge relates to and impacts the world around us, while touching on how technology is impacting the healthcare sector.


We aim to build your understanding of medical school, your knowledge of a career in medicine, and finally, to assist you in making an informed decision about medical school in preparation for your university application process. 


Some of the program highlights included:

  • Lectures by CUHK and HKU professors

  • Admissions talk and information on both universities’ curricula

  • Tutorials and problem-based learning

  • Physical tours of both medical campuses and facilities

  • Sharing panel from healthcare professionals and current medical students 

  • Discussions on bioethical and social issues

  • Medical School Escape Room

  • Practical activities on specimen labs, anatomy, histology... and more!

MedStart Programme Details:
Date: 22nd-23rd March (Saturday and Sunday)
Time: 09:00-19:00
Location: Day 1 (22 Mar) - CUHK Campus; Day 2 (23 Mar) - HKU Campus

Programme Fee: HK$550 (Programme fee includes complimentary souvenirs)
Eligibility: HKDSE/Local Schools - Form 3 and above; IB/GCE A-Levels/International Schools - Year 10 and above

Application Deadline:
12th February 2025 (Wednesday), 11:59 pm

Click on the banners below for information on previous MedStart activities. 


The DIMPLE Fund stands for Diversity in Medical Practice, Leadership & Education. It is an initiative created to encourage increased participation of ethnic minorities in MedStart. We understand that the EM community is underrepresented in our medical community, serving as an implication for possible lower quality healthcare and treatment for our patients. Justice and equity are core values in our student society; as such, we want to take a step to address this problem, starting with inviting more EM participants to MedStart to introduce them to a career in medicine in Hong Kong. With generous support from external parties, the DIMPLE fund will provide interested EM participants with a scholarship in joining MEDSTART.

Past MedStart themes

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